BJP chief Rajnath Singh said on Thursday that there has been a tremendous crisis of credibility among politicians and political parties due to differences in their words and deeds and the BJP is committed to restore this credibility. Singh said this while talking to media persons before leaving for a campaign trail in Jodhpur division. […]
BJP president Rajnath Singh on Saturday said his party will bring a legislation to provide citizenship to Hindus who came to India from Bangladesh after 1971. Talking to the media persons at Silchar airport at Kumbhirgram near here on Saturday, Rajnath added that it’s the responsibility of BJP to protect the Hindus who come to […]
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh, speaking exclusively to Sudhir Chaudhary, Editor of Zee News defended Narendra Modi for using the phrase ‘Khooni Panja’ earlier in an election rally in Chhattisgarh. “He used the word for Congress symbol and not for any individual.” The BJP president also appeared to be defending Amit Shah in […]
Continuing his efforts to reach out the national parties to garner support to the cause of Samiakyandhra, YSR Congress president Y S Jagnamohan Reddy on Sunday called on the BJP national president Rajnath Singh in Delhi and handed over him a memorandum. The meeting comes at a time when the BJP is apparently veering out […]
Hitting back at Rahul Gandhi for dubbing BJP as a “party of thieves”, BJP President Rajnath Singh today said his party cannot be called so as it is not in power and it was Congress which had all the means to loot. “BJP is a principal opposition and we cannot be thieves. Thieves are those […]
BJP president Rajnath Singh on Sunday maintained that no power in the world would be able force the party to rethink on the Narendra Modi as prime ministrial candidate. Replying to Congress demand that BJP rethink on its PM candidate for 2014 general polls following media reports of Amit Shah, BJP general secretary and a […]
In a significant statement, BJP chief Rajnath Singh ruled out any rethink in Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi as the party’s prime ministerial candidate saying Congress’s “dirty tricks” department is bound to target the leader. Singh’s remarks in Raipur came in the wake of reports on two websites that claimed illegal surveillance of a young […]
Bharatiya Janata Party president Rajnath Singh on Saturday seemed extremely defensive on party’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s ‘intemperate, malicious and sexist language’ at election meetings in Chhattisgarh but he parried all questions about them. At a press conference in Raipur, where he is on election campaign for the November 19 assembly polls, Singh began […]
Taking strong objection to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s advisEr Sartaj Aziz holding dialogue with Kashmiri separatist leaders in New Delhi, BJP president Rajnath Singh on Sunday asked the government to stop Aziz from holding talks here. “On the one hand India is facing a series of ceasefire violations from Pakistan and on the other […]
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh on Sunday said that the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should stop Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz from talking to separatist leaders, and added that this is against international diplomatic norms “I feel the Prime Minister should take some actions, and stop Sartaj Aziz […]