Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh said that the National Security Guard (NSG) is a world class ‘zero error’ force and can counter any kind of attack in minimum response time.
He was inaugurating the 28 Special Composite Group (SCG) Complex of NSG at Ibrahimpatnam in Hyderabad today. Speaking on the occasion, the minister said that the NSG which comprises of army and paramilitary forces has multi-dimensional responsibility of countering terrorist attacks/hijack attempts and also providing proximate security.
He said that the NSG Hub has state of the art training facilities of global standards. The NSG also undertakes joint exercises with state police forces thereby helping in increasing their professional capabilities. He further said that with a view to decrease response time after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, the government has set up National Security Hubs at Mumbai (NSG 26), Chennai (NSG 27), Hyderabad (NSG 28), Kolkata (NSG 29) and Gandhinagar (NSG 30).