The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh addressing at the Demonstration of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), at Pragati Maidan, in New Delhi
The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh releasing a calendar, at the Demonstration of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), at Pragati Maidan, in New Delhi on November 18, 2014. The Director General, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Shri O.P. Singh is also seen. The Director General, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Shri O.P. Singh presenting a memento to the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, at the Demonstration of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), at Pragati Maidan, in New Delhi
To uphold its motto “Aapda Sewa Sadaiv” the NDRF personnel are always ready to serve the society and the nation.
The demonstration presented different aspects of response by NDRF in earthquake or collapsed structure scenario.
NDRF organized an impressive demonstration in earthquake scenario at IITF 2014 in Hamsadhwani open air Theatre.
HM witnessed the demonstration made by NDRF and NDMA at the India International Trade Fair in New Delhi today