Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh paid tributes to Atalji at a condolence meeting in New Delhi. In his address at the prayer meeting asserted “He did not become popular because he was the PM. I think he would have been as popular as he was after being the PM, had he worked in any social or political sector”.
Paid tributes to Atalji at a condolence meeting in New Delhi. Sharing the video of my speech. अटलजी को मेरी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि। https://t.co/Yb7oFcGY0e
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) August 20, 2018
Attended the all party condolence meeting in New Delhi today and paid my tributes to Atalji, the great son of India. pic.twitter.com/h21SvQWZhN
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) August 20, 2018