The Chief Minister of West Bengal Sushri Mamata Banerjee, telephonically apprised of the situation prevailing in Darjeeling to the Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh today.
Shri Rajnath Singh has appealed to the people living in Darjeeling and nearby areas to remain calm and peaceful. In his appeal, he said that nobody should resort to violence. The Union Home Minister has further said that, in a democracy like India resorting to violence would never help in finding a solution. Every issue can be resolved through mutual dialogue, he added.
Shri Rajnath Singh has appealed that all concerned parties and stakeholders should resolve their differences and misunderstandings through dialogue in amicable environment.
Spoke to West Bengal Chief Minister Sushri Mamata Banerjee this morning. She has apprised me of the situation prevailing in Darjeeling.
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) June 18, 2017
I appeal to the people living in Darjeeling and nearby areas to remain calm and peaceful. Nobody should resort to violence.
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) June 18, 2017
In a democracy like India resorting to violence would never help in finding a solution. Every issue can be resolved through mutual dialogue.
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) June 18, 2017
All concerned parties and stakeholders should resolve their differences and misunderstandings through dialogue in amicable environment.
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) June 18, 2017